About Us
The Perspectus platform was born out of necessity in 2014 when Dr. Tod Clapp was feeling pressure to improve the academic quality and engagement of his anatomy program at Colorado State University. As he assessed new technology and tools to enhance the student understanding, he kept finding that traditional market options were inadequate.
The solution was Virtual Reality. VR anatomy products were entering the market, but none offered the necessary teaching tools or functionality needed for effective classroom instruction: multi-user and remote sessions, VR recording of lectures (spatial recording), DICOM image uploading and manipulation, user group and direct communication with students, etc. Within the year, Tod created “BananaVision”, an early version of the Perspectus platform that he coded himself to include these critical features.
Immediate results included:
- 87% of students believed that VR promoted their understanding of spatial relationships
- 80% of students believed that VR promoted their understanding of anatomical systems
- 24% increase in student perceived confidence when visualizing in 3D
- Even in a fully remote VR anatomy course, the academic outcomes were equal to students using a fully operational cadaver lab
Today, Perspectus provides virtual reality solutions to higher education, healthcare and commercial users.
Rocky Vista University to Expand Innovative Virtual Reality Program to New Montana Campus
University of Charleston Offers Next Generation Virtual Reality Education Lab
Rocky Vista University Anatomy Department to Launch Innovative Virtual Reality Program
Perspectus and The University of Charleston Offer Next Generation Virtual Reality Education Lab
In The News

Doctor uses virtual reality to show cancer patients their tumors
AURORA, Colo. (KDVR) — A doctor at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital is now using virtual reality to help cancer patients see their tumors in 3D form. Dr. Douglas Holt partnered with C…

Doug Holt, MD, is using VR to change the way people understand their cancer diagnosis | Dr. Douglas Holt, chief resident of radiation oncology at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, is educating his patients with virtual reality. | By University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | Facebook
Dr. Douglas Holt, chief resident of radiation oncology at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, is educating his patients with virtual reality.

Rocky Vista hoping VR technology provides unique experience for medical students
The software will allow students the opportunity to view images that used to be available in only 2D, now within a three dimensional realm.
Get in Touch
Perspectus Technology works with the latest in hardware to provide the most technically advanced VR or Augmented / Mixed Reality experience. Request a demo today to explore the ways we can help personalize your experience.